
CAT4 – International Benchmark Assessment Test


The International Benchmarking Assessment Exams are essential for all private schools in United Arab Emirates, as a key part of the National Agenda. They serve as a measure of the levels of our students in both the United Arab Emirates and internationally. This is highlighted and measured by our success in the international IGCSE, A-LEVEL and AS exams. Parents receive reports after each exam.

  1. CAT-4: Cognitive Ability Test – for Years 4, 6, 8 and 10
  2. TIMMS: Trends in International Mathematics and Science for Years 5 & 9
  3. PIRLS: Progress in International Reading Study for selected students in Year 5
  4. PISA: Program for International Student Assessment for 15-year-old students in Year 11
  5. PT-Series: (PTE English, PTM Mathematics, PTS Science) for Years 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10